8mm no way back lyrics Their HD is CRAP

8mm no way back lyrics

Their HD is CRAP. Its not REAL HD, and cannot be due to bandwith restrictions. Their HD is the lowest quality possible to get the HD name. Also, People want to OWN movies, not perpetually rent them and/or be dependant on some company to supply them, only to cut the spicket whenever the company decides to. I think that comparing DVD to BD is just a little harder to do. DVD offered a huge change in how we look at media. It was flexable as a formate in the fact that it offered user menus, scene sellection, a much lower degragation in quality over time, and overall easier to use. BD does do all of these things but it dosnt change it up much. The conveince is the same. Digital download does seem like it would be a good alternative and I do think that it will become the dominant formate as long as the increase in flash media pull forward at the pace it is. Flash media 8mm no way back lyrics many conviances that optical disc cant. You could easily put a dicoder into a tv with a small flash reader with almost no increase to size. You could download a video the put it onto a flash chip sd, Ms, your choice Take it with you and watch it everywhere. I think that the combination of higher bandwidth with the convience of flash media will provail over BD. Erm, while I think its a bit early to say that blu-ray is doomed, I think the author makes some valid points. While he focuses on the player, for me its more about the cost of the HD titles themselves. The prices for the players will come down dramatically, naturally, but I think many people will only want one if they can get a good selection of movies at non-nosebleed prices. When the price for an HD-DVD player came down to 200, it was worth it for me to buy one-but ONLY because it came with 6 free high-def titles, and I knew Id have something to watch. I have bought maybe 1 or 2 high-def titles since, and even if my chosen format was not doomed to oblivion, I would not be rushing out to buy many more at the current prices. Unless youre doing an A/B comparison, the comment about DVD looking good enough is right on the money. I have a 50 plasma not full HD, but 1366×768 and regular DVD titles look FANTASTIC. HD 8mm no way back lyrics better, yes, but not enough to cause me to rush out and replace lots of titles from my DVD library. In my view, for blu-ray to survive, the cost of players AND titles needs to come down rather quickly. Otherwise it risks not being sufficiently entrenched by the time a better media format comes along, or digital downloading becomes sufficiently viable to render it pointless.

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