The Two Jakes IF THIS ISNT A

The Two Jakes

IF THIS ISNT A REASON FOR US TO RISE AS A PEOPLE, WE NEVER WILL. God is is talking through that man and he is living through that man and i believe with OUR help because it takes all of us to take back our country he will run things the right The Two Jakes and we WILL have was in tears, the best moment of my LIFE!!!!! and i can honestly say that i love all of you for going out and making a difference even if i dont know you i love you because you made up in your mind that you were ready for a was so beautiful here in california because white, black, latina, asian was all hugging and wipeing each others was a wonderful site to am so m tearing up right now as i YOU BLACK PEOPLE FOR THINKING OF THE BIGGER PICTURE AND FOR THINKING ABOUT SOMEBODY OTHER THEN TO SHOW YOU THAT WE CAN DO WHATEVER WE PUT OUR MINDS TOO!!!!! YES YES YES EVICT BUSH NOW!! black, chi, heart, martial arts EVERYONE POSTING ON THIS POST RIGHT NOW AND HILITE. Now, you say Obama is African, right? Okay, I accept, as Im sure Everyone on here does. But you say Now, please if someone could correct me if Im But I didnt know black was a race. And again, if black is race, and Ive been living in lala land my whole life, someone correct me. Ive only known black people to be either African American, or just plain African. It was to my understandding that black WhitesCaucasian, European Americans BlacksAfrican American, African if I am wrong HILITE, you CANNOT really say that OBAMA isnt a The Two Jakes man. You can neither classify, nor declassify him as that because again, no where have I ever heard that BLACK is a an actual RACE of people. It may be ACCEPTED as technically this is not correct. And if AS A SOCIETY, WE ARE GOING TO ACCEPT black as an actualy race, then when people say obama is black, then we would need to be just as naive as classify him as that based on him just having, if even very little, a little black in him. Again, someone PLEASE tell me if I am wrong, I DO NOT WANT TO SOUND IGNORANT. But if I am, so be it. That means that I need to be educated, and I will gladly do my research. ASK ME ABOUT MY MUSIC PAGE!!! WHY WHEN BLACKS SAY SOMETHING ABOUT BEING PROUD ABOUT ANOTHER BLACK ITS BLACKS THATS ALWAYS SAYING WHITE PPL LIKE HIM TOO?? DUHHHHH, LIKE SOMEONE IS STUPID. CAN WE AS BLACKS BE PROUD OF OUR BROTHER? WHEN THE PPL ON HERE SAY WHITE THEYRE TALKING ABOUT THE RACIST ASS WHITES THAT WAS AT MCCAIN PARTY BOOING EVERYTIME OBAMA NAME WAS MENTIONED. SO PLEASE KEEP YOUR WHITE MAN DEFENDER MINDSET TO YOURSELF. LIKE JESUS WOULD SAY WHEN HE TURN THE WATER TO S KEEP THE PARTY GOING!! OBAMA U FROWNING FACE HOES!! 1ST BLACK PRESIDENT AND FIRST BLACK 1ST LADY GO MICHELLE!!GO OBAMA!!! race was purely one because alot of Osama votes only voted for him because they considered him Black even though hes a White African American. Africans of dark skin tonality dislike African Americans, they resent that they are called African Americans. So why would you consider yourself African American? White Caucasian not European American, most have never been to Europe Black? not African American, most Blacks have never even been to Africa or can tell much about it I AGREE THAT WE SHOULD NOT BE THROWING JABS AT WHITES, 61% OF WHITES VOTED FOR BARACK 23 % BLACK AND 11 % HISPANIC NEW COULD NOT HAVE WON THIS THING WITHOUT THE WHITE VOTE BECAUSE WHITES OUTNUMBER BLACKS IN S A JOYOUS DAY FOR EVERYONE. YOU ARE RIGHT. BLACK IS NOT A COLOR, ITS THE ESSENCE IN WHICH ALL COLORS CAME FROM. JUST LIKE IN GRADE SCHOOL WHEN U DID THE LIL TEST WITH THE BLACK PAPER AND THE WHITE PAPER. U SAW NO COLOR IN THE WHITE BUT U SAW ALL COLORS IN THE BLACK. PLUS JUST IGNORE THESE FOOLS. ITS TIME TO YELL OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA FOR THAT ASSSSS! I think that everyone knows this change is not going to happen overnight. We are celebrating The Two Jakes fact that he even has title of President in front of his name. I think thats enough to make people be a little overly excited right about now! It is not fair to classify him as just one race. You cannot deny that he is both and there is nothing wrong with that. No one is ignorant is saying he is Black because society labels him as that, but would you call me ignorant if I said my President was White? It works both Yes! So Proud to Be an American!! you said your President was White, I would not call you ignorant I would call you educated. And there are people that voted and on this page saying hes Black because society labels him as such. NO ONE and i repeat NO ONE is 100% any dayum race you have to go back to beginning of time with that somebody always got to throw a monkey wrench in the program hell im dayum near obamas complexion and BOTH my parents BLACK my mother is closer to dark skinned and my father is closer to light skinned kill that noise let us all just celebrate!! i wish i was home in chicago now!! black, chi, heart, martial arts I say this to new Prez is just as white as all the other Prez before him. Terrorism has an open door to the White House. The Middle Class which Im in just got FUKD! Black people the economy will still struggle! Thats right Obama, forget about that 40 acres and a want 50 states and a white house Having a dark skinnedBLACK WIFE and kids is all the PROOF I NEED cuz there are BLACK MEN born HERE that cant get that part right!!! KOBE, Cuba Gooding Jr. , Wesley Snipes, Dennis Rodman, Ice T, Dave Chapelle and on and on. Italy was delightful.

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