Paulie part 1 Crazy I know

Paulie part 1

Crazy I know, but I also watch TV and play games on the setup. What a waste of The operative words here, I believe. From what I understand from the comments, the inability to skip previews is dependant on which player and firmware you have. Just because youre not having problem doesnt mean that the others here are lying. I have a blue ray rip and Avatar the was 1 gig in 720 format that I found out in the wild. You shouldnt comment without knowing what you are talking about. I own the movie Crank 2 on Blu-Ray and it take a bit to load which makes me not want to watch it much. I understand protecting your stuff but making it hard to play really sucks. This should not be the case when you pay an avg 10 more over a DVD. Please tell us the make and model of your DVD player that ignores UAP controls. Id love to get one. Samsung BD-C69 Ive yet to run across a preview or anything that I cannot use chapter skip on. I didnt realize it was this big of an issue for everyone else. I paulie part 1 there was 1 FBI warning on Pineapple Express that I couldnt skip. Nothing else comes to mind, and I ALWAYS skip that crap. Annoying as hell. I dont think anyone here is lying. Read the title of the comment Paul. Seems like a valid question to me. I just assumed everyone is complaining because they paulie part 1 press the menu button and go straight to the movie menu, not that they cant skip the previews and crap one at a time. Worst case couldnt everyone just fast forward? That also works for me on everything except the copyright and FBI warnings. Add PS3 to the chapter-skipping list. You say that youve stopped fighting by refusing to buy their products. That, in itself, is a form of passive protest. Unfortunately, as you are but one in a billion, it will have little significant impact, but it is still fighting. If only more people would either a stop buying or b vocally protest, perhaps things will one day change. Without fighting, though, there will never be change. People might be aware of the issue of being unable to skip the anti-piracy message, but many are unaware that there is an alternative.

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