Finale Soon he found himself standing at Elishas front door


Soon he found himself standing at Elishas front door. To his amazement, Elisha never came to the door, but, instead, sent a messenger out to meet him. Go and wash in the Jordan River seven times, Elishas servant said, and your skin will be cleaned, and you will be healed of your leprosy. Naaman became very angry and left the house in a RAGE! What did the little captive girl tell her mistress? What if she had kept that to herself? What happened when the king of Israel received the letter from the king of Syria? What did the Prophet Elisha tell Naaman he needed to do in order to be healed from his leprosy? When you find yourself in a situation that youre afraid will NEVER go away, instead of becoming angry and giving up, call finale to God for help. I am the LORD that healeth thee Exodus 15:26b. Dear God, when I feel Im in a hopeless situation that will never change, instead of becoming angry and giving up, help me to call out to You for help. CAN YOU FIND THIS STORY IN THE BIBLE? Copyright 2010 by Barbara Wilmerton Haas. You may NOT re-post this Bible story. However, you may freely link to it, when finale click on the link. To receive a new Bible story each week, enter your e-mail address under at You will be sent a message requesting confirmation of your subscription request. IMPORTANT! YOU MUST REPLY to this confirmation request to activate your subscription to this list. Last updated December 13, 20 Posted on November 9, 2010 at 11:00 PM Updated Thursday, Nov 11 at 2:58 PM HOUSTON Hundreds of water providers around the Gulf Coast region are providing their customers with drinking water that contains radioactive contaminants that raise health risks, according to state lab results and public health scientists. The revelations came to light during a four-month KHOU-TV investigation, finale examined thousands of state laboratory tests from water providers across Texas. The data, provided by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality TCEQ, ranged from 2004 to the present. The radiation was first discovered as a part of required testing, under federal regulations, of all drinking water provided by community water systems in America. In Texas, the Department of State Health Services provides an independent lab to test the water for potential contaminants of all kinds and forward results to both the water system and TCEQ. Much to the surprise of many people, hundreds of water companies along the Gulf Coast and all across Texas pump water with some amount of radiation inside. One particular type of radiation that popped up again and again in water provided by utilities all across Texas, was something called alpha radiation, which public health scientists say can be particularly problematic when consumed. The alpha particle this is the 800-pound gorilla of radioactive particles, said Dr. David Ozonoff, an environmental health professor and chair emeritus of the Boston University School of Public Health. Ozonoff obtained a medical degree from the Cornell University School of Medicine and serves on the Massachusetts Cancer Advisory Committee. He said drinking water with any amount of alpha particles, even when consumed in amounts below federal legal limits, raises your risk to develop health problems or, in rare cases, cancer. Examples of alpha particles found in the Gulf Coast region are those from uranium, radium and other minerals. Ozonoff describes alpha particles as a type of radiation that would not typically harm you unless inhaled or ingested. He warns, once you take it inside your body, your health risks immediately begin to rise. It cant penetrate very far, but when it hits something it does a ferocious amount of damage, he said. If I were to drink it, then many parts of your body are within knife-wielding distance of an alpha particle. Ozonoff said the danger in drinking alpha particles is that you bring them inside your body and right up against sensitive organs, where the alpha particles can damage DNA and create a possible mutation in your cells. He says the more you drink, the more you raise your risk for cancer. In fact, even the EPA says a single wild cell can give rise to a cancer, and that a single alpha passing through a cell is sufficient to induce a mutational event. The EPA made the disclosure in the federal register as part of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations 2000 final rule that regulates all forms of radioactive elements in drinking water.

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