The mission uk beyond the pale

The mission uk beyond the pale

Excuse me while I go barf just from the recollection of these inglorious HD images. makeorbreak. When you look around at the real world, is it fuzzy? HD is about bringing real world visual quality to a screen. People complaining about the visual detail they see in an HD picture might as well be complaining about real life. The only difference is a TV screen puts a frame around the images so you tend to focus on detail that was always there. If you want to see a fuzzy world, take off your glasses or stare at the sun for a couple minutes the mission uk beyond the pale damage your eyes. I agree, the prices for most new release Blu Rays here in Canada are 99 give or take a couple of bucks 13% TAX. Meanwhile the same movie on DVD is People arent going to pay almost double for HD picture when DVD is just fine for most. I know some people who cant tell the difference sad as that sounds but its not uncommon. If Blu Ray is going to take off, it needs to be priced reasonably. I would say at most 2 more than DVD but ultimately the same price would be best. Until then, people will continue to buy the DVD and take the extra money they saved and buy a second DVD. This is not the same leap as cassette to CD so stop marketing it like that. Blu Ray picture is the mission uk beyond the pale but DVD is not bad either. I agree with you. Unfortunately the Majority of people cannot tell the difference between blu-ray and DVD if they sat down and watched the exact same movie. For that reason the price does need to be comparable; not the ridiculous 30 in the US. I can most definitely notice the difference, but I would still buy DVDs unless blu-ray is competitively priced. That kind of sucks in Canada. Here in the, I never spend more than 99 99 for a blu-ray movie. Of course, if theres a super special edition for a few dollars more, then its worth to buy. And I do not shop at Best Buy or those other rip-off big-box stores. I buy all my movies online, mostly from Amazon. Best Buy is usually a good 10 more expensive than Amazon. It also helps to the mission uk beyond the pale a movie when it first comes be a little cheaper. Most people may not realize this and when they see the price of a movie at Best Buy or other retail stores they get sticker shock! Just buy online and get it for cheaper. How in the world could you leave Unforgiven off that list lol? Thats one of the best westerns ever. It was lauded by the academy. And it is only If that doesnt scream buy, I dont know what does lol. I can notice the difference between DVD 38; BD but my wife cant and we have a 50 1080p plasma tv. We usually rent movies out of the 1 kiosk at have never bought a BD and its been years since Ive bought a DVD. Shouldnt it say Blu-RUM, Blu-RUM, Blu-RUM not run? amazon is now my go to place for blu-ray movies. i think i get ripped of sometimes though. Blu-Ray is a completely unnecessary technology. At current widescreen television sizes in the neighborhood of 40-50 diagonal inches, the increased resolution is insignificant. There is no reason to spend more money on new disks and new players, and at least one very good reason not to the DRM Digital Rights Mafia restrictions on Blu-Ray disks are even more onerous than that on DVDs. While I agree that the DRM is annoying and doesnt let you back it up to your hard drive etc. , I do not agree that bluray is useless. Being someone who watches on bluray often, I can see a lot of difference in the colors and crispness while watching on bluray. I have a 46 display. I cannot say that I can distinguish an upscaled dvd from bluray all the time, but the difference is quite obvious in many cases I have seen.

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