Halloween iii season of the witch

Halloween iii season of the witch

In fact, God even says that there will come a point when the person you have chosen to be thus far is who you will continue to be forever Revelation 22: Kind of makes you want to take a look at yourself and see who you are shaping up to be based on the decisions you make, the people you spend time with, and the attitude with which you live your life, doesn t it? Lindy, Kyle s love interest in the movie, sees people for who they are on the inside, not what she sees on the outside. She can see true inner beauty and not be distracted by the package it happens to arrive in. This is also a character trait of God s 1 Samuel 16: In the movie, a lot of attention is given to environmental preservation. This is a positive reminder that God gave us dominion over the planet Genesis 1:26, and it s our responsibility to take care of it. There s a line, though. God doesn t want us to worship the earth and the trees and the other things He created, as pagans do Romans 1: He wants us to keep things in perspective and worship the Creator. There is a lot of exposed skin in this movie. In one part, Kyle is in nothing but his underwear. In another part, advertisements slither across the screen showing models in halloween iii season of the witch next-to-nothingness. Language, language, language! To me, it seems like some adult filmmakers thought maybe they could keep it real with a teen audience by inserting swear words and crude slang into the script. Epic fail. The bad language was distracting and made the characters seem classless and tasteless. In the movie, a witch casts a spell on Kyle, which ultimately sends him on a life-altering quest. God s view of witchcraft is simple it s something that is in complete opposition with God s heart. God hates it. So whether it s portrayed in a movie as something bad and scary, something harmless and funny, or, in this case, something positive and life-altering, the bottom line is that God expects us to leave witchcraft alone Deuteronomy 18: He wants us to come to Him instead. Kyle basically holds Lindy hostage by blackmailing her dad. Can anyone say illegal? This might have seemed a little less weird if the story were set in the Middle Ages when there were kings and castles and moats and iron maidens and guillotines, but I m pretty sure our constitution doesn t uphold this kind of behavior in this day and age whether you re under an ugly spell or not. And it is certainly not in harmony with God s offering of love and freewill. Don t try this at home, kids. Sadly, Kyle doesn t get love or attention from his dad. All he seems to get from his father is the belief that looks are everything. I think that kind of negative parental influence is why the Bible says in Exodus 20:5, 6 that God is punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments. We learn bad character traits from our parents and then pass them on to our kids. The same is true, thankfully, for good character traits. With God s help, though, we can break our bad habits and not pass them onto the next generation. A couple of other uncool moments: A man is murdered during one scene. In another scene, Kyle takes Lindy on a date during which they break into a zoo. While I m not making recommendations for whether or not you should see this movie that s for you and your parents to decide!, here are some thinking questions: In the movie, Kyle thinks that good looks are important. Interestingly, there are some people in the Bible whose attractiveness is specifically mentioned. In what way did their outward appearance shape their circumstances? Why do you think the Bible mentions their attractiveness? Here is a quote from Beastly: People like people who look good. Anyone who says otherwise is either dumb or ugly. Studies show that attractive people tend to get hired more quickly, often earn a higher wage, and are treated better than unattractive people. Why do you think halloween iii season of the witch happens? Why does the Bible tell us not to focus on our outward appearance when we live in a society that places such emphasis on it? Do you treat people differently based on their looks? 1 Peter 3:3 says, Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. 1 Timothy 2:9 tells us, I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes. What are Peter and Paul saying about inward beauty versus outer beauty? Is it wrong to braid your hair or wear jewelry? Write the characters in the image above. To all of you young people.

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