Savage Grace He has written

Savage Grace

He has written several books about how water can be affected by thought and his studies showed that water with good intentions placed on it made nice looking ice crystals while water with bad intentions placed on it or polluted water made ugly ice crystals. This was illustrated in the movie What The Bleep Do We Know. Emotos research is interesting but his methodology is not really Savage Grace scientific. To his credit though, a double blind research study done with Dean Radin actually showed positive results and helped to reinforce his claims. Fortunately, there are other researchers out there besides Emoto Savage Grace have done studies on the effects of thought on water. One of these is Dr. William Tiller What he did was have four expert meditators program circuits with thought only, with an intention to change the pH of water. pH being the level of acidity or alkalinity. The results of the experiment was that the water with the pH lowering circuit immersed in it lowered the pH and the water with the pH increasing circuit in it increased the so the experiment worked. Pretty significant findings that are compelling in and of themselves, but wait theres more. In 1995 Russian researchers L. PYATNITSKY AND V. FONKI showed that the molecular structure of water could be changed by thought. Now its important to distinguish that the molecular structure was changed, Savage Grace the chemical structure. However, this is still a pretty significant finding. So, what we have seen so far is a Grads 1959 research showing seeds sprouting better with intention, Emotos water freezing into pretty ice crystals when good intentions are placed on it, Tiller and his circuits imprinted with intent causing pH changes in water, and the Russians finding that the molecular structure of water can be changed with thought. Not bad evidence, but not entirely convincing since Grads research is so old and Emotos research has had some questionable methodology. However, Tiller and the Russians experiments are a little harder to refute which helps lend credence to all the other findings. What other scientific evidence exist is that shows that water can be influenced by thought? Well, there is a lady named Lynn McTaggert who wrote the book The Field who has recently done some very interesting research. She has collaborated with several prestigious university professors in her pursuit of how thought affects water. In part 2 of this article I will look at McTaggerts work and more. Meanwhile, please share this article. Get notified by email when new articles are added to this category or written by this author. Submitted On March 30, 20 Viewed 23 times.

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