Seedorf No software to load!


No software to load! Just hook it up and follow directions on the screen. Internet streaming is fantastic wirelessly to my network. I can go to Youtube, Netflix, and many more. The picture is better than my ROKU Player!! I have been thrilled seedorf this seedorf since getting it for Christmas. The blu-ray load time is not bad, and the picture quality is great. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Netflix streaming feature. Setup and connection to my network was easy and fast. The interface is user friendly and updates are easy. The only problem I ve encountered is voice sync on regular DVDs. Pausing and unpausing fixes it, but it is a little annoying to have to fix it. When we replaced our TV recently, I was happy to be able to get rid of a 11 year old DVD player and get a blu-ray. I picked this one in part because of its media streaming capabilities. After hooking up a long ethernet cable, I was pleasantly surprised by how easy setting it up on the network was and more impressed by all the choices yes, I d like still more, itunes or the network feeds, but nothing short of a PC will do all that so far. We don t have netflix, but satellite packages with movies and we rent for ones we want sooner. The first blu-ray looked great and noticeably better than ordinary DVD, but it is hard to tell a big difference in our set up between 1080p Blu-ray and 1080i HD. And we ve rented a few films from Amazon a la cart and they worked without a hitch and looked just great in HD. That really increases the value and utility of a blu-ray/DVD player. Unless you have some other media bridge system in your set or otherwise, don t miss this seedorf great addition. I have had this player a few days and like everything I buy I push it to see what it will do. I hardwired this player to my home network I needed to upgrade to BluRay and looking for Netflix because FIOS movies are kiiling me in pay-per-view pricing. BluRay features and quality outstanding performance fast load etc. Upscaling gets a 10 Netflix is a cinch to download and playback is very high quality.

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